Buying guide
Randalls Property Agents represent the vendor of the property in the process of selling a property. However engaging and communicating with the buyer is important if the process is to proceed quickly and successfully. Vendors like to know how a buyer is progressing and buyers likewise need to know how the vendor and conveyance is progressing. Randalls Property Agents bind these channels together, providing a smooth sales process. Here are a few tips.
Randalls Property Agents are members of the Property Ombudsman and operate a complaints procedure. Should you wish to make a formal complaint then please do so in writing or email to
It is the vendor’s decision as to whether or not they take their property off the market on receipt of an offer. Any request to do so from a buyer is best accompanied with evidence to show that the funding is in place to buy the property.
Provided a buyer has not entered into a buyer’s contract and/or placed a deposit there is no loss or penalty to pulling out of a property purchase.
Generally exchange after offer is 4-6 weeks. Completion is generally 2-3 weeks after exchange.
Prepare to buy
Before you offer.
Try to see as many properties as possible. A lot of buyers pull out before completion because they change their mind or find a property they prefer. We would always recommend a second viewing before making an offer on a property.
If you’re not a cash buyer and need a mortgage it may be a good idea to seek the advice of a mortgage company or a broker before you start looking for a property. Some agents insist on this. At Randalls we simply advise it. A few lenders offer actual mortgages if you’ve no property in place – they offer a ‘mortgage in principle’ (MIP). This provisionally lets you know how much you can borrow, subject to finding a suitable property in a specified time. Proof of your deposit and an MIP can give you a big advantage when putting in an offer. It may mean a credit check, though one mark on your file isn’t too big a deal. It’s best to talk to a decent mortgage broker who’ll often be able to help give an idea of what you can borrow. Do bear in mind MIPs give absolutely no guarantees – they are subject to valuation. Mortgage rates shift daily, so always check whether a better deal has become available.